Pitt Meadows Regional Airport

We’re ramping up for our annual AIRPORT DAY this June 21st 2025, from 11am-4:30pm.

As always we are looking for amazing Sponsors, Marketplace Vendors, Food Carts and of course VOLUNTEERS! If you’re interested in joining us for this amazing community event please email Christina at cnicolle@flyypk.ca for our volunteer form, or click here to complete the form.

Canadian Museum of Flight - click the link for more info!

Entry as always, is FREE!

We’re placing a focus on the Canadian Museum of Flight this year, a non-profit organization who will be building a brand new facility on-site at YPK! We are very excited for this endeavor and are highlighting this very special organization at this years’ event. We will be accepting donations at the entrance to help this non-profit Museum build what will be an amazing learning experience for everyone in this region.

For more information on our Food Truck & Marketplace Vendor Applications, please email info@flyypk.ca and we’d be happy to send it to you!

We certainly can’t host this event without our AMAZING SPONSORS! If you are able to join us, we are thrilled to offer a multitude of marketing opportunities as recognition throughout our regional communities. It’s a great way to promote your business while having a fun day and meeting your fellow neighbours.

Check out who’s supporting our 2025 year already:

Platinum Pilatus Sponsors:

Griffin Gold Sponsors:

Seneca Silver Sponsors:

Bi-Plane Bronze Sponsors:


YPK article in Wings Magazine


Exciting news for YPK!